Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rachel Canning is the bad seed and I hope she gets struck by lighting

Rachel Canning the girl from New Jersey sued her parents and lied about them abusing her and kicking her out. She was suing them for child support and to pay for her education. Her parents and even her two sisters denied the abuse allegations and kicking her out. And they indicated she was pissed because they made her break up with her boyfriend because he was the bad influence for her and because she didn't come home after her curfew. But she later dropped the charges. Now she should apologize to her family and everyone for her ungratefulness, selfishness, infidelities and immaturity.
She's evil! From taking her own parents to court, lying about them abusing her and bestowing great parents. And in one of the yahoo reports it said she had the dysfunctional mother. That obvious and father too because they raised a spoiled brat.
Kids these days are spoiled. It society too. On the report on yahoo they was talking about the teenage girl that was bullying other kids online. So her mother caught her and she made her post a photo on Facebook of her holding up the sign apologizing for bullying other kids online and saying she will donate her phone to #endbullying. Oh the horror! And they had to ask if that was appropriate punishment. They should of said what a great mother it's the shame all parents don't discipline there kids for bullying. And these days people are monsters for even yelling at their kids in public. But what are they suppose to do if they misbehave? Just be embarrassed.
We ought to talk about that 16 year old girl in Texas that killed her whole family because they disapproved of her boyfriend. Another story of a spoiled brat.

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